Soul Retrieval

Do you ever feel that you’re “not quite here”?... That there’s a “bit of a hole” somewhere?...

What Is Soul Retrieval?

Do you ever feel that you’re “not quite here”? …that there’s a “bit of a hole” somewhere?…or an empty space that never gets filled?… We are beings of consciousness and feeling – consciousness that moves and flows, feelings that move our states of being from deep within. A violent shock can literally make us jump out of our skins. A traumatic experience can cause us to dissociate or separate part of ourselves from what is happening…” It was like watching it happen from a distance”. A loved one who leaves us can take our heart with them if we “give our heart away”. Even leaving a place that we love can “tear us in two” and can result in our leaving part of ourselves, part of our consciousness, behind in that place.

Soul Retrieval Therapy

Soul retrieval helps to identify those dissociated parts that actually split off (or shut down or retreated or hid away or escaped) in some way due to a situation or event being too much for that soul in a given lifetime.

Soul loss is a spiritual illness that causes emotional and physical disease. We all spend a tremendous amount of psychic energy looking for lost parts of ourselves. We do this unconsciously, and we do this in many ways – generating dreams and daydreams, experimenting with numerous spiritual paths and creating relationships that mirror back to us our missing parts to name but a few. Many of us today don`t feel totally whole, don’t feel as if we are all here. Few of us live as fully as we could. Techniques exist for dealing with this common human situation, but these methods have either been almost entirely forgotten in modern society or people are unaware of their existence. For tens of thousands of years a practice known as shamanism has brought healing to people in many cultures around the world. According to the shamanic perspective, one of the major causes of illness is indeed this soul loss.

Examples of soul loss are when a beloved spouse, child, or friend dies, and we also `deaden` for a while, we feel as if the light has gone from our world as if we are sleepwalking. Or we return from having major surgery and do not feel
as if we have come fully out of the anaesthesia. We also might have been involved in a serious car accident and report feelings of being “spaced out”. We may be involved in an abusive intimate relationship and be aware of being locked into destructive patterns but feel too fragile and powerless to move on. Or in leaving or having left this relationship, we might feel as if something would be or is left behind with our partner. Another sign of soul loss can be a gap in memory to avoid pain. The soul may also leave a child who does not feel loved, or who feels abandoned, by his or her parents. Being sickly as a child or suffering serious or chronic illness can often indicate this soul loss. Chronic depression is another symptom of soul loss. A soul might leave the body to survive physical or sexual abuse. In each of these cases, the traumatised person literally escapes to survive the ordeal. Shock is the word usually used to describe this condition. Shock is a normal reaction in itself and no cause for alarm. But often, for reasons we don’t fully understand, the part of the self that left fails to return and that is a predicament. Often this fragmentation or loss of a persons essential being keeps him or her from being able to create a path of love and joy and move on in life. The basic premise is that whenever we experience trauma, a part of our vital essence separates from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the pain. Soul loss can be caused by whatever a person experiences as traumatic either in this life or a past life, even if another person would not experience it as such. The shamanic belief is that this part of our essential life energy can split off and become lost in non-ordinary reality.

The loss of life force is known as soul-loss, and this can take place when we suffer a trauma such as abortion, abuse, accident, addiction, illness, incest, loss of a loved one, miscarriage, surgery experience strong emotional exchange with a loved one, separation from a partner, death of a loved one, go through a period of difficult circumstances. When we undergo a severe trauma typically a part of our vital nature goes away, so that we can survive whatever is happening to us. It is a way for the body and consciousness to survive severe trauma. Problems develop when the soul part or fragment does not return. It may not want to come back, or may not be able to return due to the nature of the trauma.

It is possible to journey and move outside of linear time to go to the place where that energetic event is still occurring for that individual, find and bring back that person’s life force which is held in that energetic event, and when this has been carried out, then the therapeutic healing of the event and its consequences can truly begin.

Soul retrieval does not dwell on past events; there is only this vast awesome ever-moving great moment of now where there is no separate past, present, or future. It is possible for a practitioner to journey and move outside of linear time to go to the place where that energetic event is still occurring for that individual, find and bring back that person’s life force which is held in that energetic event, and when this has been carried out, then the therapeutic healing of the event and its consequences can truly begin.

The Symptoms Of Soul Loss

There are a number of symptoms of soul-loss, for example, when people feel that they are observing life as an outsider, rather than engaging and being fully involved.

Other common symptoms are when people feel that they are being ‘spaced’ out a lot of the time, not really here. Other symptoms that indicate possible soul loss are life-themes such as a pervasive fear, and inability to trust people.

Severe depression and chronic illness may also be a symptom of soul loss.

Soul retrieval allows us to access the normally inaccessible parts of our unconscious mind and then our subtle energy which is non-physical and part of overall consciousness, the corona of energy around living beings.

Soul retrieval therapy can access this etheric blueprint or body to retrieve these separated parts and through the various healing processes integrate them back into the client.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.