Crystal Healing
The crystals hold a positive energy and they act as a conduit for healing from the practitioner to the client.
What Is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing involves the use of precious and semi-precious gemstones. The crystals hold a positive energy and they act as a conduit for healing from the practitioner to the client.
The therapist will use crystals to alleviate blockages in the flow of energy around the body, which may be causing physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual distress. The energy field can then be stimulated with crystals to promote good health.
The therapy is based on the theory that the organs and cells of the body respond in particular ways to particular patterns of vibration. Each part of the body has a natural resonance and responds to vibrations in harmony with it. Dissonant vibrations, by contrast, have harmful results. Poor physical, emotional and/or mental health affects the frequency at which cells and tissues of the body vibrate.
The therapist will restore and strengthen healthy frequencies by directing harmonious vibrations with the appropriate crystals. Bringing the body, mind and spirit back into a state of harmony.
What To Expect During A Treatment
The treatment duration is 1hr and during the treatment itself you will lie fully clothed on a therapy couch and you are usually covered with a blanket. However, treatments can be administered in a sitting position if necessary. The therapist will then use crystals on and around the body, specific to your needs. The whole treatment is an extremely pleasant and relaxing experience. After the treatment, you will feel re-energised and revitalised. Reiki energies can also be administered during the treatment. Following the treatment the therapist may provide a crystal or a gem elixar for use at home. Gem Elixars and crystals are usually provided at no extra cost after a treatment. There is a service available to anyone who just requires a gem elixar. These are identified and prepared on an individual basis.
The number and frequency of treatments vary depending on the needs of the client, but the frequency of treatments usually decreases as improvements occur.
Crystal healing can address most issues, be they of a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual nature. Crystal healing has been proven to be particularly effective in the treatment of:
Stress and anxiety
Joint problems
Self-esteem issues
Back problems
Pain Relief
Exam stress
This is just a sample list of some of the problems that can be addressed by Crystal healing, if your specific ailment is not listed here, or you have any further questions, please contact us