Indian Head Massage
A massage of the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck and scalp. It also incorporates stimulation of the pressure points of the face.
What Is Indian Head Massage?
The physical and mental stress that accumulates each day can cause weakness in the nerves and impair circulation of the vital fluids to the brain causing tension and headaches. The skull feels tight and heavy and the brain cannot function properly. The best easiest and most natural way to relieve these problems is with an Indian Head Massage. It offers many benefits, vitality increases as the circulatory and respiratory systems open to provide fresh oxygen and vital energy. Many people now enjoy the benefits that can be obtained from Indian Head Massage and find it an excellent tool in Stress Management. Sue practices the Mehta technique of Indian Head Massage. Named after its founder Narendra Mehta, who developed the technique when working and training in India, where this culture of a short therapy, with no oils, on a fully clothed seated person began.
What To Expect During A Treatment
This therapy is based on the Mehta method of Indian Head Massage. It incorporates a massage of the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck and scalp. It also incorporates stimulation of the pressure points of the face. The massage is carried out with the client fully clothed in a sitting position. Oil is not used during this massage, so whilst the hair will be dishevelled during the treatment, it will not be made oily. The massage is very uplifting and stimulating, as it increases the flow of blood to the brain, yet it still promotes a feeling of deep relaxation and well-being. NB. Contraindications associated with Indian Head Massage are Epilepsy; Tumours; Fracture in the vicinity of the message.
Can Indian Head Massage Help Me?
This therapy has been proven to be beneficial in the treatment of:
Stress and anxiety - Stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders - Lack of concentration or mental clarity - Headaches and migraine - Pain Relief - Exam Stress